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Training Information & Key Dates

In 2025, each level of training class has been assigned a level number in addition to the traditional colour association they are as follows:

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  • NO DOGS are permitted near the clubhouse while checking in, The check in process is a human only experience. (The only except to this rule is for those volunteers who are working in the office that week those dogs must be crated)


  • CRATES USE at training is being enforced in 2025. In between exercises, before and during class where needed, dogs are to be created.


  • ADC is committed to being a safe place for our members and their dogs. The club has set in place policies and procedures to ensure this. The ADC bases these policies and procedures on the following Dogs NSW policies: Code of Ethics, Aggressive Dogs and Bullying Prevention and Guidelines amongst others. ADC will enforce these procedures when required to ensure the safety and well being of all club members and their dogs. A copy of these documents can be found on the Key Documents page of this website. 

  • All members are required to be on time to class. All members are required to help with the setup and pack down of training equipment unless prevented from doing so for a medical reason. (This is to be documented with the club’s executive) Any member who arrives late to training without prior approval may not be admitted to that week's training session. 



Volunteering at the ADC:


ADC is a club completely run by and for its members, during your membership renewal or signup you indicated how and where you would be willing to volunteer at the ADC for the coming year. So for 2025 we will be trying something new, we will be utilising this data to spread the volunteer load across the entire club, thereby ensuring that all our members get an opportunity to contribute to the club but in a bite size way! Many hands make light work! So be on the lookout over the coming weeks for requests coming via Facebook or email from our various subcommittees who will be helping you to help the club! We thank you in advance for this much needed help.


Class Assessment & Progression:


Assessing and progression through the levels: Levels 1 through to 3 are a  8 week program and Purple is 10 weeks.. During these 8 or 10 weeks, instructors are assessing you and checking off the required skills needed for progression. Depending on which level you are in, a minimum number of essential skills are required for progression.


Wet Weather:


  • If training is cancelled, a notice will be send via SMS and social media.

Wet weather will put a pause on all training curriculum across all grades for example:

  • ​Week 1 is sunny and we train as per normal - (week 1 of curriculum)

  • Week 2 is sunny and we train as per normal (week 2 of curriculum)

  • Week 3 however training is canceled due to poor weather 

  • Week 4  is sunny and we train as per normal (week 3 of curriculum) 


And so on and so forth, so grade 1 through 4 will complete their 8 weeks and grade 5 (purple)  will complete their 10 weeks. 


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